Beneficiary : CSIC Barcelona

CSIC is the largest public multidisciplinary research organisation in Spain with a staff of more than 7000 researchers. Research at the IDAEA department is devoted to the study of natural and anthropogenic changes occurring in the ecosystems of the geosphere, with emphasis on the water cycle. The GHS (Groundwater Hydrology Group) is active on research in stochastics, inverse modelling, reactive transport, and reactive transport.

The Hydrogeology Group maintains laboratory facilities for analyses of water and soils, sample processing, and experimentation of mixing and solute transport in heterogeneous media. The field sites at the Llobregat include the artificial recharge basin at Sant Vicenç dels Horts and the Sea Water Intrusion Barrier at the Llobregat Delta. The Field Site Argentona is strongly instrumented and equipped for high resolution visualisation of sea water intrusion processes. The group develops numerical codes for non-isothermal multiphase flow, heat transfer and reactive transport, and inverse modelling of flow and transport.

Members involved in ENIGMA ITN

Prof. Jesus Carrera (Professor)
Prof. Carlos Ayora (Professor of Geochemistry)
Prof. Marco Dentz (Professor)
Dr. Maarten Saaltink (Professor, Doctor in Civil Engineering)

Hosting of ESR